Can life get any better?
First, Queen releases a new single, then I get wind of the new American Gladiators! What else can possibly go right in my life? Is Jessica Biel fixing to ring my doorbell and beg for a date?
Where's my bailout?
Apparently the President has lost faith in the market and, in a fit of liberalism, has decided it falls upon him to bail out people who signed sub-prime mortgages and are at risk of losing their homes.
The agreement with mortgage companies will freeze interest rates for several years, even though the rates were scheduled to go up in 2008, as per the signed mortgage note.
So... where's my bailout? Just because I was smart enough to finance my home with a fixed-rate loan, I don't get a break in interest? C'mon. It's bad enough the government is nullifying and modifying contracts it deems unfair just because people are whining, but we're actually rewarding those people who made those unwise decisions. If anything, I should get some federal assistance for making my payments on time and even throwing in a little bit extra each month to eat away at that principal.
"Hot Meat Landslide" would be an awesome name for a rock band
On to more important things: Finally, Corporate America is taking the time to increase hot meat and cheese landslide awareness. I can remember the Great Beef Landslide of 2003. Oh the humanity! And George Bush just stood there and did nothing. NOTHING! In fact, recently released papers indicated that very day the President titled a foot-long cheese coney a full 23 degrees! What do you have to say about that, Sean Hannity?
American Pie
Get into the Christmas Spirit
Nothing will get you into the Christmas Spirit quite like those classic songs of the season. If you're an Oklahoman, one of those indespenseable songs is The B.C. Clark Jingle. The Jingle has been heralding the arrival of Christmas since 1956(!) and is in just as much demand today as it ever was. And there's only one way to improve upon one of the best advertising songs ever: OBU-ize it.
I remember very distinctly attending the 2001 Christmas Chapel as senior in High School. After all the fun they had (and after they played the BC Clark Jingle), I knew there could be no other school for me. For the next four years, the Christmas Chapel (and the BC Clark Jingle) became an irreplaceable part of my Christmas.
Absolute Emperical Proof There Is a God and He Loves Us and Wants Us to be Happy
That's right Queen fans: Roger Taylor, Brian May, John Deacon and new frontman Paul Rodgers (of Bad Company) have released a new power ballad in honor of World AIDs Day and their late lead singer Freddie Mercury. What's more, IT'S FREE and available for download from www.queenonline.com!
I was lucky enough to hear "Say It's Not True" live in Chicago when I went to see Queen in March of 2006. Do yourself a favor and listen to it now.
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