(Note to picky people: Blogger's spell check is down.)
Sadly, the matra of the first Sunday of Februrary these last few years has been "I only watch the Super Bowl for the commercials." What's even more sad is that lately the commercials have been just as lame as the game.
Last night's broadcast, however, delivered on commercial and football fronts. My boss just told me the game was the highest rated Super Bowl ever and the second highest rated show of all time. It was easily the most exciting pro game this year, and probably the best I've ever seen. Somehow the Giants became the giant killers.
Eli Manning, the NY Giants' QB has been facing a gauntlet of detractors questioning his ability to step up when it counts. Yesterday, he stepped up and answered them all with a big, loud IN YOUR FACE! Actually, he's much too polite to do that. He now joins brother Peyton and father Archie to be the only family in history with three Super Bowl winners.
(Click to watch this GREAT highlight.) With just 1:15 to go, and the 18-0 Patriots clinging to a 4-point lead, Manning took the snap on a third and 5 from his own 44 yard line. The pocket collapsed around him in what looked to be a sure sack, but he some how dissapperated and reappeared four yards behind the scrum. With Patriot's defensive linemen's hands clawing at his jersey, he through a wobbly pass off the back of his foot to receiver David Tyree who somehow managed to catch the ball, not with his hands, but with this helmet. Four plays later, Manning connected again for the game winning touchdown to snatch Super Bowl XLII from the "invicible" Patriots, with a final score of 17-14.
I'm not jumping on the Giants' bandwagon, but I will say that Eli Manning and the rest of the team really and trully earned my respect.
But on to the commercials. I save my pick for best commercial for the very end.
I thought this was a pretty funny way to start off the game. Sure, it has nothing to do with the product and yes, it goes for the easy laugh, but the laugh is still there. It may not have left me wishing I had a beer, but it did leave me wishing I could breathe fire.
A spoof of a classic can't really go wrong, but I could see the payoff way too early. On the plus side, this car looks flat out sexy. Check out those runnign lights!
I've read some "reviews" that diss this commercial for dragging up the old Will Ferrell/Chris Kattan skit, but I happen to really enjoy those skits. So sue me. I thought it was a fun ad and totally related to the head-bobbing thing. Plus, I'm a sucker for a good cameo and Chris Kattan delivers the goods as the commercial winds down. This is my pick for 3rd place.
I'm up for a good ethnic joke as much as the next guy, but I found this commercial (and other SalesGenie.com commercials) to be down right racist. For a brief moment, I thought they were just going for diversity, but by the end it just turned into a bad Apu impression. Also, I can't possibly see how they can deliver a product that lives up to their promise. How are they supposed to swoop in and drum up 100 clients when they have no idea your client base, etc. If you need this service, you're a bad salesman. If the service actually works for you, you're a HORRIBLE salesman.
This one had me laughing the instant I saw the cheese. You just can't go wrong with cheese. It's comedy gold. My new favorite phrase? "Going on a cheese run."
This was pretty, good as are most Under Armour commericials, but not as good as their classic
"We Must Protect this House!" Apparently they're making shoes now. Hmmph. Apparently they prefer the British spelling of "armor," too.
This one started out funny, then the gag got old. It was just OK.
This didn't really do it for me, for props to Doritos for following through on their concept and giving a young new artist a break.
I normally can't stand Angelie Jolie, but this movie looks pretty freakin' awesome. At least is has Morgan Freeman and James McAvoy.
I'm watching a football game; why do I care about Derek Jeter. The concept of these commercials is cool enough, but I don't know why they were released a few months ago and not during the Super Bowl.
GoDaddy's commercials are always lame, but I'm willing to bet this one was effective in driving traffic to their site. Sadly. The "banned" commercial their aired commercial points you to is pretty tasteless. I've never been a huge Danica Patrick fan, but I'm more than a little dissapointed she would stoop this low.
This one make me laugh at first, but overall, I give it a C at best.
This one seemed like a lame duck (I mean, pidgeon) but it got very funny very quick. Kudos to FedEx.
This was another one that was genuinely funny.
Although it sounds like one of the worse epsiodes of Scrubs, this was a funny AND effective commerical. That's a rare combo.
This is one of my finalists for best commercial of the night. Anytime you mix Rocky and semi-anthropromorhpic animals, you have my vote.
This is a little silly for a brand I normally consider to be a little stuffy, but it mostly works. The key here was hiring John O'Hurley (J. Peterman from Seinfeld) as the voice talent. Anyone else, and the spot would have fallen flat.
This is pretty clever, and although it pokes fun at Napoleon's small stature, it just didn't connect with my funny bone. Also, I know for a fact you can't stare at your GPS and use it to drive ala a heads up display.
This commercial flatout creeped me out. I thought it as something about heart attacks. Note to advertisers: America doesn't want to see people's internal organs popping out to berate their owners boss.
This was just weird. Naomi Campbell and a bunch of lizards dancing to Thriller. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK.
I couldn't tell if this was supposed to be serious or funny. Either way, I think they missed the mark. In a way, it's also sad to see that even drug dealers are feeling the pinch of the slowing economy. Jay and Silent Bob would figure something out. That what successful capitalists do. They innovate.
GMC went quiet, sophisicated route and as far as quiet, sophiscated ads go, it works.
This is a good example of how to play the race card (take note, SalesGenie.com). "Bood-Light!"
Call me a hater, but I prefer Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.
This one probably looked really good on paper, but was creepy/disturbing in its final execution.
More commericals to come.
This is a sequel to a much less funny T-Mobile commercial from last year. Still, it's not all that amazing, if only because Charles Barkley is a lousy actor. How old is he?
This is just slightly above average, but Justin Timberlakes steps up a notch or two at the end when he really sells his line: "Hey to you." That helped erase the creepiness that was Andy Samberg.
This one reminds me of the Audi commercial, and it's every bit as surreal.
I'm a big Will Ferrell fan and I am anxiously awaiting the release of Semi-Pro, but this ad is retarded.
This may have been the only "straight" commercia of the night. They dropped $3 mil for that?
This is very much in the same vein as the first Cars.com, but this one isn't near as funny.
Also racist. Also stupid.
This was funny only because of the kid picking his nose halfway through.
This was definitely Bud Light's worst offering of the night, but it was still OK.
This one is way better than it could have been. Not bad.
Bridgestone gets a pass for having the second best cameo of the night: Richard Simmons. When I first saw, him I was urging Bridgestone: "Do it! Do it!" They did it.
CareerBuilder.com went for creepy again and succeeded with this demented take on Pinoccio.
A 375 HP Hyundai? Has hell frozen over?
I really want to see this movie and enjoyed the commercial. I just can't get the fun way he pronounces his name out of my head. "WaAaAaAl-eeeee."
Yeah, it's a little rougher than Baby Bob, but I still like this one. Even the little spit up thing was OK.
Not quite as fun as the Breathing Fire one that aired earlier, but pretty funny. Until the guy gets sucked into the jet engine. Don't worry, it's a beer commercial so he survives.
Pretty good, for a shampoo commercial.
This was pretty fun and I'd be up near the top of my list, except that I just want to puke when I see James Carville.
Again, Toyota is getting silly. Good for them.
Umm. Wow. OK.
My second favorite commercial of the night.
Poor Taco Bell. They try so hard.
Pretty funny. "Bud Light: Suck one."
Much better Gatorade Commercial!
Hyundai thinks they're clever because they reference people critiquign and "buzzing" about Super Bowl ads. They're not. But still, 375 HP?
more to come
I've gotta admit, this was pretty sexy.
Heh heh. Infinity and beyond.
I have a long standing record against clamping anything on nipples, but this was pretty darn funny. It's my pick as the funniest of the night and the second best overall.
As I watched Stewie and Under Dog battle for the Coke, I knew this was one of my favorites. Then when the ULTIMATE under dog finally gets the Coke in then end, well, it was a no-brainer. Best commercial in several years.