Chapters 18-the end.
- "Nuttier than squirrel poo." Love it.
- From a literary standpoint, I'm enjoying the muddying of Dumbledore's sanctimonious past.
- The effect of the Horcrux locket on Harry annoyingly reminds me of Frodo and The One Ring.
- Godrick Gryfindor's sword in frozen puddle = Excalibur being given to Arthur by Lady of the Lake.
- It is interesting that such a teetering character as Xenophilius should have that name. Xeno being the Greek word for foreigner or race.
- I like that we're calling Ron "Ginger."
- Is Dobbie the "Second Death"? Can it really be that simple?
- Aww... Harry is a Godfather!
- Hooray for Aberforth!
- "Effing," "damn" and now "bastards." This may have to be an R-rated movie!
- I'm actually tearing up now that Neville's "Gran" is so proud of him.
- Ooh... Ginny won't let Harry and Cho be alone... CAT FIGHT!
- Could Fleur's tiarra by the actual diadem?
- Everyone is standing up to fight for Hogwarts... it's just like Braveheart!
- Oh, Percy is back. Everyone say hello to Percy.
- Lupin calls his wife by her last name (Tonks). That's very Mr. Todd of him.
- Hmmph. I never considered Fred as a posible victim.
- Mongonagal's herd of galloping desks... best mental image ever.
- What is up with all this death? Hedwig, Mad-Eye, Fred, Snape, Dobbie, Remus and Tonks... it's a bleedin' shame.
- Harry gave his son the middle name, Severus. Kinda cute but creepy too.
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