Saturday I was in Hannibal for work and witnessed Hannibal-LaGrange College’s May commencement. It was a beautiful ceremony and I’m not ashamed to say I teared up a little.
I’m a sucker for pomp and circumstance (throw a bagpiper in there and I’m a goner), but 90 percent of the emotions came from remembering my graduation three years ago. It made me infinitely proud to be sitting in Raley Chapel, to hear my father pray on stage in full academic regalia, to shake hands with the university president as I received my sheepskin and to sing the hymn to my now true alma mater. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about OBU in one way or another, usually in the context of using a principle, lesson or mantra that Mr. Todd so lovingly drilled into my head.
With the mushy stuff out of the way, here are some petty reasons OBU is better than HLG:
OBU is way better at sports.
I graduated in a beautiful chapel. They graduated in a field house.
Ka-Rip. ‘Nuff said.
The Bison is a well thought out, historically and culturally appropriate mascot. What the heck do Trojans have to do with a small Baptist School in Mark Twain’s hometown?
For better or worse, OBU has a journalism program. Eat that, HLG.
OBU is more expensive.
OBU has waaaaaay more fun during their chapel services.
OBU’s alumni includes two astronauts.
HLG students never know the joy that is wearing beanies.
OBU is in Oklahoma while HLG is in Missouri and is less than five miles from (GASP!) Illinois!
Green and Gold are infinitely superior to Blue and Red.
OBU shares it's hometown with Brad Pitt. So there.
They did have a bagpiper (why, nobody knows) to lead their version of The Walk, but that's nothing compared to OBU's, where you finish your academic career surrounded by your faculty friends and mentors.
My hymn to the alma mater rocks (click to listen). Theirs? Not so much (it isn't even posted online).
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