Good news, everyone! OPERATION: ICING ON THE CAKE was a rousing success. Fourteen people plus an infant (for a grand total of 14.1) showed up and there were no reported injuries.
The game was fun, even though we (The Grim Dekers) played Mizzou's JV team and lost 2-9. We would have actually been competitive, but we only had one man on the bench so that meant our guys pretty much played the whole game. Mizzou brougth 15 guys, which meant they only had to play roughtly 1/3 a game, which meant they were able to bring in fresh legs when our guys got winded. Sneaky sneaky.
The game was - to use the hockey term - "chippy." That's code for there were actually some fights this time. Our guy (John) scored both our goals, but he paid for both of them when Mizzou's enforcer took him out twice. John fought back and there were many bruises to go around. A good time was had by all.
There is also slight chance I might have yelled something to the effect of, "At least Mizzou won one game this weekend." Don't worry, hockey players can barely move without unlacing their skates once they've left the ice, and I'm surprisingly fast for a large land-mammal.
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