

Gov. Huckabee and my boss in "Cheyenne Room" at the lovely Capitol Plaza Hotel.

Today was the second in my Republican Governors who Failed to Parlay Their Current/Former Office to a Job in Our Nation's Capital Lecture Series (see the first here).

Our speaker today was former governor of Arkansas and Republican presidential candidate, Mike Huckabee. He gave the keynote address for the annual Vitae Foundation dinner. I don't have the in-depth analysis of policy and political discourse like last last time. Sorry.

He was pretty good and a definitely politician. He was very quick to shake my hand, make eye contact, remember my name, etc. I don't agree with him on all the issues, but I would have gladly taken him over McCain (though I don't know if he could have done any better against Obama). He was pretty on-message (all things pro-life) and didn't stray much, although he did get in a Fair Tax plug when a guy from the local radio station asked him.

In the "exclusive" interview with my boss, he made lots of Baptist jokes, which I always enjoy. So yeah. There's that.

Here's the thing. Politics make me tired. I hope I'm still just burnt out from the circus that has been the last year. I'm a thinking human being, so I very much want to be informed and involved in the goings on in the world, but man it's just to exhausting. Give Huckabee credit. Today he communicated his beliefs and passions but didn't turn me off to politics. But I'm still tired.


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