
Press Release


Brian has announced an open invitation to Zhang Yimou and Zhang Jigang, the producers of the 2008 Olympic Opening Ceremonies, to plan the celebration marking the 27th anniversary of his birth on June 15, 2009.

"I had it narrowed down to Zhang/Zhang and one other, but after seeing what they did in Beijing, there really wasn't any question," he said.

Brian was particularly drawn to the unique ways the Chinese duo incorporated that nation's long and rich history into the production and the cinematic approach.

"Given that my personal story is so much more interesting than that of China, I can't wait to see how they illustrate my life."

Just as the Beijing Opening Ceremonies far surpassed any in recent memory, Brian promised that any Zhang/Zhang production associated with his "brand" would be "bigger and better than anything Beijing could even imagine."

Due in large part to the secrecy of Brian's plans, no specific details about the celebration have been released although experts are speculating that there will be cake and possibly gifts. Brian did not comment on details, but only offered this tantalizing tidbit:

"You thought they had fireworks for the Opening Ceremonies? You thought eight gazillion glow-in-the-dark drummers doing tai chi in perfect synchronization was awe-inspiring? Bah, you ain't seen nothing yet. You've seen what they can do with three or so billion people... just wait until they get the full force of Brian behind them. "

1 comment:

lanae130 said...

F*** China! If you are in China for your birthday, or if they help you celebrate, count me out. Boycott!