

Get it? Because Family Matters was on TGIF?
Happy Friday!

Today was a pretty good and productive day:

I used a Best Buy Rewards thing that was going to expire tomorrow to order Citizen Kane, The Great Escape AND (hold onto your hats, folks) Milo and Otis. Toss in The Parent Trap and Smokey and the Bandit and you have the five best films ever made.

Leslie and I launched an online "book club," Miles of Books. She gets all the credit for the classy color scheme. We're starting with The Pilgrim's Progress. Reading begins Sunday.

I noticed the teller at the bank had made a deposit of $83.60 instead of $183.60 before I had driven home and then been forced to drive all the way across town and argue for 45 minutes.

I wrote a Seussian review of I Love You, Man.

I got my oil changed.

I came up with an excuse to go to KC next week and skip In Office Day.

I took a nap.

I discovered I look really good in yellow.

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