
Nuttier than Squirrel Poo - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Reading Log - Vol. 3

Chapters 18-the end.

  1. "Nuttier than squirrel poo." Love it.

  2. From a literary standpoint, I'm enjoying the muddying of Dumbledore's sanctimonious past.

  3. The effect of the Horcrux locket on Harry annoyingly reminds me of Frodo and The One Ring.

  4. Godrick Gryfindor's sword in frozen puddle = Excalibur being given to Arthur by Lady of the Lake.

  5. It is interesting that such a teetering character as Xenophilius should have that name. Xeno being the Greek word for foreigner or race.

  6. I like that we're calling Ron "Ginger."

  7. Is Dobbie the "Second Death"? Can it really be that simple?

  8. Aww... Harry is a Godfather!

  9. Hooray for Aberforth!

  10. "Effing," "damn" and now "bastards." This may have to be an R-rated movie!

  11. I'm actually tearing up now that Neville's "Gran" is so proud of him.

  12. Ooh... Ginny won't let Harry and Cho be alone... CAT FIGHT!

  13. Could Fleur's tiarra by the actual diadem?

  14. Everyone is standing up to fight for Hogwarts... it's just like Braveheart!

  15. Oh, Percy is back. Everyone say hello to Percy.

  16. Lupin calls his wife by her last name (Tonks). That's very Mr. Todd of him.

  17. Hmmph. I never considered Fred as a posible victim.

  18. Mongonagal's herd of galloping desks... best mental image ever.

  19. What is up with all this death? Hedwig, Mad-Eye, Fred, Snape, Dobbie, Remus and Tonks... it's a bleedin' shame.

  20. Harry gave his son the middle name, Severus. Kinda cute but creepy too.

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